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SULIDAE, PHILIP - History of Violence

Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Unfathomless U19
Release Year: 2014
Note: after the nice Mystery Sea CDR another release by P. SULIDAE - these are floating but mysterious drone-noises of unrecognizable origin, everything is lost in a big aural haze and lulls you in....all sound material was collected in the Belanglo State forest, an isolated place where years ago a serial killer was active.... filed under: hallucinogenic psychogeographic drones ! Excellent album, lim. 200
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €14.00

More Info

"Sounds were recorded in the Belanglo State forest, 150 kilometres to the south of Sydney, Australia. Its quiet solitude and isolation contrasts dramatically with its turbulent and macabre history – the scene for a series of horrific murders in the early 90’s at the hands of one of Australia’s most notorious serial killers.

I choose Belanglo as a location due to my own somewhat morbid fascination with its history, but also due to its virtually indistinct organic character. It is essentially a forest like any other area of bush along the eastern seaboard of Australia; however its latent and almost dormant sensation is unlike any other.

I find this contrast very interesting, as it plays deeply into people’s subjective understanding – this understanding of Belanglo is, I believe, largely shaped and divided by our external perceptions of its history, and the innate, immediate impact of its environment.

During recording, the sounds, timbres and sonic characteristics were very comparable – similar areas, environments, topography. This allowed me some latitude and gestural flexibility in composing, as I could play with the ideas and observations that lay behind the forest and its history. In effect I could try and create a sonic environment that would replicate the contrasting and distinct perceptions of Belanglo.

Our ideas of place and the constructs behind them generate a fertile ground for creativity and composition.

(philip sulidae, February 2014)" [label info]


"It's been a while since I last heard music by Philip Sulidae, but some of his newer releases are downloads only, so perhaps that explains, and there also seems to be some time gap between this and the previous. I quite enjoyed his work so far, which sometimes seemed quite raw and at other times very microsounding. This new work surely fits the latter body of works. All of the sound sources were recorded at the Belanglo State Forest in Australia, which is some 150 kilometres to the south of Sydney and apparently a very quiet area, even when it was the "scene for a series of horrific murders in the early 90’s at the hands of one of Australia’s most notorious serial killers". No doubt that's one of the reasons to do field recordings over there, and Sulidae is not the first to go to 'guilty territories'. It's not something you are aware of when hearing this release, based upon just hearing it. These six pieces are very quiet, high pitched for whatever reason, and it's unclear to me
whether this has any electronic processing, or whether this area is high pitched, insects maybe? I think a certain level of sound processing took place and it’s quite a frightening release, in a curious way. The sheer level of compression, to get all of these sounds together, make a very oppressive release, despite all the quietness that is going on here. But perhaps I am hearing too much in this release, maybe things that are not in there per se. I played this a couple of times, and the more I hear it, the more I like it. It all seems relatively easy made but it unfolds a lot of beauty actually. A great yet very much unsettling release." [FdW/Vital Weekly]